
McCormick Intl Tractor Errors :

McCormick Intl tractor error code list for all McCormick Intl models.

Before Checking Error Codes Please Read Using Troubleshooting Chart

If you are experiencing a McCormick Intl tractor problem that is not listed in this chart or when you have checked all the possible causes listed and you are still experiencing the problem please check the error code below.



Engine Will Not Crank

PowrReverser: Transmission gear shift lever not in neutral position.

PTO engaged.

Battery low on charge.

Blown fuse.

Electrical problem.

Engine Will Not Start

Wrong engine oil viscosity.

Engine hand throttle lever not pushed forward.

Cold start system not being used, or malfunctioning.

Stale fuel / improper fuel / fuel level.

Plugged fuel filter.

Dirty or faulty fuel injectors.

Failed fuel solenoid.

Engine Runs Rough Or Stalls

Engine hand throttle lever not pushed forward.

Plugged fuel filter.

Plugged air intake system.

Fuel cap vent dirty.

Faulty seat switch.

Stale or improper fuel / fuel level / water in fuel.

Dirty or faulty fuel injectors.

Low coolant temperature.

Fuel pump not functioning properly.

Engine Knocks

Engine oil level low.

Low coolant temperature.

Engine overheating.

Idle speed too slow.

Faulty cold advance device.

Engine Overheats

Low coolant level.

Cooling system needs flushing.

Defective radiator cap.

Defective thermostat.

Defective water temperature indicator or sender.

Low oil level.

Loose or defective alternator belt.

Do not operate at slow idle, operate at fast idle.

Dirty grille, radiator screen, or radiator cooling fins.

Operating at too fast ground speed for conditions.

Engine Lacks Power

Brakes dragging.

Misadjusted rockshaft feedback linkage.

Improper type of fuel.

Plugged air intake system.

Plugged fuel filter.

Engine overheating. Operating at too fast ground speed for conditions.

Engine oil viscosity too high.

Low coolant temperature.

Dirty or faulty fuel injectors.

Dirty intercooler fins.

Implement improperly adjusted. See implement operator's manual.

Improper ballast - adjust load.

Rockshaft stop valve closed.

Turbo housing hose leaks.

Low Oil Pressure

Engine oil level low.

Plugged oil filter.

Improper type of oil.

Faulty pressure regulating valve.

Engine Uses Too Much Oil

Find and correct oil leaks.

Incorrect engine oil.

Plugged air intake filter.

Engine Emits White Smoke

Improper type of fuel.

Low engine temperature.

Defective thermostat.

Faulty cold advance device.

Engine Emits Black Or Gray Exhaust Smoke

Improper type of fuel.

Plugged air intake system.

Operating at too fast ground speed for conditions.

Dirty or faulty fuel injectors.

Dirty intercooler fins.

High Fuel Consumption

Improper type of fuel.

Plugged air intake system.

Operating at too fast ground speed for conditions.

Dirty or faulty fuel injectors. See your McCormick Intl Dealer.

Implement improperly adjusted, causing drag on machine. See implement operator's manual.

Plugged crankcase vent tube or baffle.

Brakes dragging.

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